Free up time for your patients
and improve their therapeutic monitoring
The AI suite that supports all healthcare professionals
Try now the AI assistant that generates your clinical notes
PraxyConsultation adapts to each specialty
Whether you are a general practitioner, specialist or even a masseuse-physiotherapist, our AI assistant follows you on your travels to carry out your consultations with your smartphone
Découvrez PraxyChatbot RH
L'allié du personnel hospitalier : une offre très compétitive pour le domaine RH hospitalier. Indexé sur vos bases de connaissances du SIRH interne celui-ci répond de manière précise et sources à l'appui aux questions du personnel hospitalier pour leur apporter un conseil de qualité tout en soulageant les équipes RH. Cette solution peut aussi s'étendre aux autres metiers de l'hôpital : support IT, logistique, etc.
Continuous improvement of therapeutic monitoring thanks to AI and technology. patient data
Free up time for your patients with the help of an AI that receives and receives information. analyzes your patients' messages, summarizes their consultations and extracts data useful for updating files
Try our solutions for free
Practitioner subscription
€ 19.00
/month/user- Unlimited consultations
- Customization of reports and letters.
- Data archiving
- Automatic generation of letter addressed to a colleague
- Automatic generation of recipes.
- Email, chat and phone support.
Free trial
€ 0
/month/user- 50 Consultations included
- Customization of reports and letters.
- Data archiving
- Automatic generation of letter addressed to a colleague
- Automatic generation of recipes.
- Email, chat and phone support.